
この1年はGithub(The world’s leading software development platform · GitHub)で作業することも増えてきた。かといって、仕事ではGithubを使うことはないし、なかなか上達しない。



特に組織用リポジトリについて、詳しくはヘルプ(Managing access to your organization's repositories - GitHub Help)にあるのだが、それを抜粋してみる。


Repository action Read access teams Write access teams Admin access teams Owners team
Apply labels and milestones x x x



Repository action Read access teams Write access teams
Pull (read), push (write), and fork (copy) all repositories in the organization
Create and delete any repository in the organization
Create and delete the team's repositories
Change settings for repositories assigned to the admin team
Transfer repositories into, and out of, the organization account
Pull from (read) the team's assigned repositories X X
Push to (write) the team's assigned repositories X
Fork (copy) the team's assigned repositories X X
Send pull requests from forks of the team's assigned repositories X X
Merge and close pull requests X
Open issues X X
Close, reopen, and assign issues X
Apply labels and milestones X
Create and edit releases X
View draft releases X
Edit and delete their own comments on commits, pull requests, and issues X X
Edit and delete anyone's comments on commits, pull requests, and issues X
Edit wikis X X
View published releases X X

更にRead アクセスとWrite アクセスで違いのある行だけにすると

Repository action Read access teams Write access teams
Push to (write) the team's assigned repositories X
Merge and close pull requests X
Close, reopen, and assign issues X
Apply labels and milestones X
Create and edit releases X
View draft releases X
Edit and delete anyone's comments on commits, pull requests, and issues X



Repository action リポジトリ操作
Push to (write) the team's assigned repositories チームに割り当てられたリポジトリにプッシュ(書き込み)する
Merge and close pull requests プルリクをマージ・クローズする
Close, reopen, and assign issues イシューをクローズ・再オープン・(担当者に)割り当てる
Apply labels and milestones ラベルとマイルストーン(期限)を適用する
Create and edit releases リリースを作成・編集する
View draft releases ドラフトリリースを見る
Edit and delete anyone's comments on commits, pull requests, and issues 他人のコミットコメント・プルリク・イシューを編集・削除する

